Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Dancer's Feet

    (In case there is some explanation needed in the future, "Pinterest" is an electronic scrap book for saving pictures of things you like. The "pinner" is the person who decides the categories for the items they would like to collect, and chooses the pictures they would like to paste, or "pin" onto your "board". Examples of my collections include recipes, holiday decorating ideas, inspirational thoughts, quilt ideas, and things I think are funny.)

  This week while looking at pictures that I might want to save to my "Beautiful/Amazing" board, I was browsing through images of ballet dancers. I have several already, and never cease to be amazed at the flexibility, strength, and fluid beauty of a dancer's body. After several rows of pictures of these, I spotted an image of worn ballet shoes, hanging by their ribbons. Next to the toe shoes were two tired feet. The joints had abrasions on them, and red ridges in the skin from where the edge of the shoe dug into the top of her foot. I looked at that and thought, "Yes, that's the truth, right there. There is a price to be paid for being able to do what they do."
   I clicked on the picture, to make it bigger, and I was kind of repulsed by what I saw. They weren't just tired feet, they were ugly feet. I decided I didn't want to put them on my "Beautiful/Amazing" board, they just didn't fit in with the rest of the board. I moved on.
   Days later I find that I have been haunted by those feet. Those hard-working, sacrificing, neglected, used and abused feet.
    How I love the final outcome; the beautiful dancer in her flowing costumes, spinning, gliding, twirling, and effortlessly holding a graceful pose! The ugly feet represent the truth of how hard it is to become "Beautiful/Amazing", and should be respected as part of the process, and accepted as the price that was paid for the end result.
   When we see the outside of those we admire, respect, and even envy, it is well to remember that there may be some 'ugly feet' involved. I am going to look at them with a little more appreciation from now on.


rumblebug said...

This post really makes me think. And I tried to communicate that through words and it's difficult. But it's opened my heart and eyes to the differences in what people value. Some people will destroy what Heavenly Father has given them so that they may do wild and amazing things. See, I can't even move passed that sentence and write what I'm thinking. But just know that your post has hit me in a way I'm not sure you intended but has moved me nonetheless. Love you.

mamaseversike said...

You raise an excellent point. Damage to something usually occurs when one moves from dedication to obsession. Whether it's to the body or to relationships, something gives. I was thinking more along the lines of quiet sacrifice to a noble end. More importantly, that the 'success' we see in others probably required passing through some private pain and suffering along the way. Thanks for helping me think a little deeper!

Melinda C said...

I love this post - and you! We are on a roll with our posts!

grammaDawn said...

Love what you posted, you are such a thinker.
On a lighter note, I remember looking through your closet, as a kid, and seeing all your dance costumes and toe shoes. I always wanted to wear them. I remember you actually let me put your toe shoes on once. I was so bummed when I found out how much it hurt. Dancers made it look so easy. I thought, "Wow, I have such a cool cousin". Turns out I was right!