Sunday, August 19, 2012

Red Rover, Red Rover...

Life Lessons 
Learned From Rover

     I don't know who Red Rover is, or who gave him the authority to send anybody anywhere, but it occurs to me that there are many lessons to be learned from playing this game. As is so often the case, it takes very little to draw parallels between a particular situation; in this case an old-fashioned children's game, and the game in the grander scheme, the one we call "life".
      For one thing, there is no justice when assigned to teams. You simply wind up on a side based randomly, on the most whimsical of reasoning, or simply on the basis of when your arrived at the field. There's no sense grizzling about where you started out, just make the best of your placement and wait for the time you can make your dash. You quickly learn that you do not play this game alone. You must hold hands to have even a thread of a chance of making it through the first round of challengers. Once you dare to make the run yourself, you don't know if you'll be greeted by soft hands that bend to your pressure, wrapping you gently in their grasp, if you'll burst through to victory on the other side, or if you'll be clothes-lined and wind up on your back with the wind knocked out of you. It's all part of cultivating courage and being willing to take the chance.
      After playing the game for a little while, you realize that some people take the game pretty seriously, some are jokers, and some don't even know the fundamentals. It's good and kind to help others learn the ropes, and develops patience as you listen to other peoples' advice about how it should be done.
      Sometimes you'll find yourself facing insurmountable odds, with one side weighted heavily against you. In these cases, hold hands even tighter, say encouraging words to each other,
and be brave.
      Thankfully, there are always kind people who are watching over you. They'll make sure you'll survive. You never know when the tiniest person might cause the tide to change, so don't despair.

                      Be kind to people weaker than you. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
     Be happy for those who make it from one side to the other. Rejoice with each arrival to your side.
                 Cheer for your loved ones. In this game, whether you're currently being sent over here,
                                            or over there, we're really all on the same side.


Melinda C said...

Love it!

rumblebug said...

Mom, I love your life lessons. I love that you make these connections. I try to make them but I am not nearly as eloquent as you are...I suppose that comes with life and time. I love you and am so blessed to have had you and dad to wrap your arms gingerly as I ran over to join your family. Love you both so much!

Jennis said...

I was watching you guys play this game and thought they are playing so nice... and then I thought I should go play, then I thought-- if I go play it will turn into Jennis makes us cry when she plays games with us... just like Monopoly! so I watched and enjoyed you all playing so nice together. haha

I do love reading your writings, you make such good points and you have a way of finding "make you thinkers" :)