Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just Sayin'

Be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet.
Everyone is going through some kind of battle.

And if you're not presently carrying the
burden of a cross to bear, then you should
be at the feet of someone who is.

Everyone needs a smooch-gootch


Anonymous said...

That pic is too cute! It makes my ovaries quiver - I want to be a mom NOW! :-)

Zach said...

It's hard to imagine that Sara was that small! I look at Callie now as a walkin/talkin' kid and can't fathom that only a few blinks of an eyelid ago she was just a tiny, tiny little bundle.
Your phrase of wisdom is very good as well. it's like the gol;dn rule too. we would want someone to be extra nice to me if I was feeling especially burdened one day. Love ya!

Jennis said...

you are just so insightful, I love that picture of sarah and Jenna. Isn't that just so true?!

Jennis said...

she looks like taylor in that picture doesn't she?

Jennis said...

that picture of sarah makes me long for more babies that laugh and love and smile so sweet.