Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Pencils and Clean Erasers

Hello dears,
I just spent 12 hours at my "apartment". I have some food in the fridge, some crackers in the cupboard, a bit of chocolate stashed, and lots and lots of books, and plenty of plants. Sounds like a place I'd live, right? I clean it, vacuum it, wash dishes there, rearrange furniture, and do a lot of picking up. The difference between this place where I live quite a bit of my life, and my real home is that I share the apartment with between 22-27 ten year olds.
But some of the things my homes have in common is that they are both filled with people I care about, try to teach, try to set an example for, try to laugh with, try to help them in all the ways a mom can. (Some times my kids get confused when I say, "My kids.." Once I said that and Emily said, "I don't remember that" and Dad said, "She means her other kids." I'm not even conscious I do it some of the time.) Both sets of kids keep me awake at night some times, I wish them all the very best of everything. I feel so responsible for their success. If my kids at school don't learn all they must they won't pass a state test called WASL, but if they don't learn all the things that are really important, they won't pass the test called life.
I started a very cool mural of a bit of forest outside my doorway today, I think it's going to be pretty. I'll try to take a picture of it and post it for you to see. I spend a lot of time trying to make our apartment an environment in which one would like to spend a lot of time, since we do.
I will try to keep up with the blog commitment I started, but don't be afraid to email me with a nudge if it starts to get dusty. New pencils and clean erasers, feels like anything is possible in this new year, doesn't it?


Zach said...

good job on the new format mom, I like it! Just for that I'll get you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils!!!

Jennis said...

Hey Kathy Mattea is coming to the Nampa civic center on Oct. 22nd, I thought of you when I saw it on the sign while in Idaho. haha:)

good job on your bloggers list.