Friday, August 15, 2008

It begins...

I was going to wait until I had someone to help me with my first Blog attempt, but decided to give it a try on my own. This is actually my second attempt at posting, as the first one is frozen somewhere in the "drafts" sections and I don't know how to thaw it and get it out.
It's actually kind of funny because in the first one I said something like, "If my past experience is any indicator, it won't work the first time anyway!" Sometimes it's no fun being right.
It reminds me of a sign I saw yesterday that said, "I was going to try to think positively, but I knew it wouldn't work."
I will put more energy into this later, but I'd like to see it work before I invest any more time. Love you all!


rumblebug said...

Woohoo!! I'm excited you've jumped into the pool! The pool of blogging that is :). It's great to be able to keep updated with everyone, I love it. Hopefully it will get easier as you get more familiar. Love you, can't wait to see everyone next weekend!

Jennis said...

wwhheeeee! it's a wild ride to get on but now that you are here I think you are going to like it. I see your post and your quote about positive thinking made me laugh. Love ya, good job.

rumblebug said...

I would LOVE to learn next weekend - I am definitely so there. I'll bring my jars (still in the package from when I got them from you!). Joel and I are going to try for Friday night - how is the sleeping situation at your house? Are you guys going to be full up?

Zach said...

YAY!!!!!!! Next week tghere wil be plenty of bloggers available for tutorials on how to customize and do all the fun stuff with your blog.
Beware, it's addicting!