Monday, January 10, 2011

What IF?

"What would happen if it snowed and snowed and we had to stay here together?"
"Oh, honey, that would never happen."
"But what if it did?"
"We really don't get that kind of snow around here"
"But what if it did?"
"Well, we'd probably get sent home early if it looked like it was going to snow that hard."
"But what if we WANTED to stay here?"


grammaDawn said...

OMG, that is so cute. I'm sure you are the kind of teacher that all your kids would want that. That little comment speaks volumes.

Melinda C said...

That is so sweet...

Jennis said...

those are your kids from school? I know how much fun you are, and I wonder sometimes if your classroom is the most loving, supportive, encouraging thing they have in their life. No wonder they want to stay. :)