Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Pearl

One of the prophets said that he is always listening for the "pearl" that will come out of each meeting if you are paying attention, and waiting for it.
Last night we went to the Nisqually property to meet with other empty-nesters for family home evening. (Our dear bishop calls it the 'old fogey's FHE) (fondly, I'm sure) We roasted marshmallows and read a talk by Julie Beck out of the April conference Ensign.
She was talking about the value of virtuous women, and how hard it can be to be validated in Babylon. How the world's standards can leave you feeling that you aren't measuring up. She talked about the invaluable contributions made by spiritual women, and how you add so much to the world with your goodness. Still, I wonder, I am doing enough? There was one sentence that hit me as we were reading, and it had to do with a question that often haunts me; am I acceptable before the Lord? Am I okay? On the one hand we are to "lengthen your stride" and the list of things that I 'should' do is quite long! On the other hand, we are not to "run faster than we have strength", and "not to let the good crowd out the essential". I know that fine line is the balance we all seek. I also know that the answer lies in personal revelation for your own situation. Here's my pearl: If you are receiving revelation in any of its forms, then you are living in a way that is acceptable to the Lord, and he is letting you know it by granting you that supreme gift of the Holy Ghost. Having revelation is a sign that Heavenly Father is aware of you, and pleased with you.
I guess that hit me with such force because I needed to hear it. Thought maybe there might be one among us that could use to hear it too. I love you all.


rumblebug said...

Mom, that is something I struggle/d with frequently until I heard something very similar from one of our Stake Relief Society Leaders. And maybe she got it from the talk by Julie Beck. I always wondered if I was truly forgiven for the mistakes I made and my poor judgement and the RS leader said that if I was feeling the presence of the Holy Ghost then I could be assured Heavenly Father had forgiven me, and that I was the one who needed to forgive myself. Thank you for your pearl, I needed a reminder. Love you so very much.

Melinda C said...

Thank you for this - I too, am haunted by those questions. I really appreciate knowing I am okay! Love to you, sweet sister!

Candy Jane said...

I always so appreciate your insights. Thank you for sharing a topic that I think "haunts" all of us as we struggle to learn and grow. I just took a deep breath, and feel much better! You are one of the Lord's jewels!

Debbie said...

I don't remember hearing that before, but am oh so glad that you made note of and shared it. What a difference that makes me feel in my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
Thanks so much for sharing this.

Jennis said...

I find the key word for me in your post to be "balance" let not the good crowd out the balance of your life... even the good things can be too much... "moderation in all things" I struggle all the time with what I "want" and what others "need"...I also find that there is a fundamental type of importance to the truth that states "surround yourself with good people" because ultimately it's the people around us who continue to bring us up and brings us back around to the spiritual truths we need to be reminded of. Like you with this post... I'm just lucky I get to be around you all the time. :) xoxo

grammaDawn said...

Something we all need to be reminded about over and over again. I struggle with that every day.
Hope you and your family will be a the reunion.