Recently this question was posed to us, "Are you an asset or a liability?"
It was in regard to emergency preparedness, and I thought it was worth of a bit of pondering. The answer is that I am an asset, as I have food, water, equipment, and some skills. That's emergency preparedness.
What about other areas of my life? As a friend am I a giver or a taker? A glass half full or a glass half empty? An lifter-upper or a dragger-downer?
In my ward am I one of those, or one of those? In my family do I give more comfort or cause more worry? Am I someone anyone would want to be stuck in an elevator with?
This question has popped up in my mind at different times, and helped me to smile when I didn't really feel like it, and give an extra ounce because I really want to be an asset, not a liability.
( My pictures never seem to go where I want them, so let me explain: Dangerous Ground; This mortal experience can be! Colorful Thermal Garden; interesting things along the way. Hiking: though we may need to rest, it's upward motion we're after. Ol'Faithful, what we need to be~steady and worth the wait.)
Ooh, this might be one of my favorite posts you've made. Makes complete sense and helps me put into perspective the kind of person I want to be. Thank you!! (I'd love to be stuck in an elevator with you - we could talk beans and cooking and babies!!) :D
You are awesome - and I believe every bit an asset. I hate elevators, but with you,I could do it.
Not to be a salesman, but I've been talking with a couple people and decided that Yoli has been this insight for me. As I learn to be a leader and want take this endevour to success I'm doing things I've never thought I'd do! making the small everyday decisions that will eventually add up to my success. It isn't just in business, I went to choir practice these last couple weeks, put myself to bed earlier than I would have otherwise, offer help to those in need even though it seemed awkward, started reading more, keeping my spiritual goals... Yoli is translating to life success not just a success in business. I love that it's given me some much needed clarity. I love this one, thanks for the beautiful way you put things. It makes me love you even more.
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