Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life is Like a Pinata

~Life is a lot like a pinata~

We each bring to it different strengths and talents

We approach it with varying levels of enthusiasm

There is always someone willing to help

If you are willing to listen to the experienced you can learn a lot

Sometimes you feel blind-folded----swing anyway

Those watching over you are rooting for you

We collectively benefit from the hard work of those before us

A combined effort yields the best results

If you stick around the hard work eventually pays off


Zach said...

Our ward had a new years party on Thursday night. we had a Pinata and it actually survived long enough for me to take few wacks at it.It didn't suervive my wacks though, heh heh!

My words is Squishe!!

Zach said...


Anonymous said...

Love your theory!

grammaDawn said...

OK, who else would think that up? Makes since though, love the thought.

Debbie said...

More often than not I feel more like the pinata, being beaten up, hit, kicked, with the stuffing coming out of me all over the place. Ok, so with this comment and the one I left on Jenna's blog, it's a low night; I think I'm overly tired and already missing my sweetie who is gone tonight and also leaving for a work conference tomorrow morning and won't be back until Sunday.

Jennis said...

Debbie's comment made me laugh out loud a little bit. with her stuffings coming out... I love that you are my mom and you find these metophors to teach and inspire us... be careful these are just the kind of things that are said at general conference and places of that nature. you are going to be snatched up to a higher purpose. I see it coming. Smarty. :)