I've been up to my eyeballs lately, but I wanted to share some moments that are the "best" on the good-better-best continuum. Of all the things that I do, and wish I were doing any and all of them better, the time I spend with my family is the best of any of it.
Don't you have to love dahlias? They only quit when a hard frost takes them. I had this bunch Halloween Day.
Then for those of you who can't recognize those children because of their new identities; that's Tay-Bee, Harley-Dragon, Truly Terrifying Jacey Lion, and Transformin' Lucas. The people in Jennis's neighborhood are sweet people. They were very kind and patient with children who would rather play in their pumpkins than trick or treat, with those who wanted to come in the house for a visit, and those who were oblivious to the whole thing. Fun night, thanks for sharing with us.